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Ray-Ban G15 Polarized Sunglasses Lens Review

Updated: Jan 22

The Ray-Ban G15 lens is probably the most famous and most purchased lens in the world. Its origins are legendary. Let's find out what it's all about.

Check out the Ray-Ban G15 lens on Amazon (which is often cheaper than Ray-Ban's website).

Ray-Ban G15 Lens

If you would like more details as to how green lenses work in general, click here.

This Ray-Ban G15 Lens Review is only for Ray-Ban mineral glass lenses, not polycarbonate lenses. The color rendering will be similar for the polycarbonate.

In This Review

Lens Specs

Ray-Ban G15



Lens Color


Mirror Color



15% Non-Polarized, 11% Polarized








High (relatively)

Scratch Resistance


Prescription Available

Yes, but not in glass material


The G15 means "Green" with a 15% visible light transmission (VLT). Visible Light Transmission is the amount of light that passes through a lens. The lower the percentage, the darker the lens tint will be with the least amount of light reaching your eyes. 15% is a middle-of-the-road amount of light transmission, but the polarized 11% makes it on the darker side of lenses. Created for military use in the 1930s (under the name Bausch and Lomb), the G-15 was first and foremost a performance lens to aid American pilots while flying at high altitudes.

Ray Ban Douglas MacArthur
General Douglas MacArthur Wearing the G15 in WW2

Without getting too deep in the weeds about Ray-Ban (and to some degree their parent company, Luxottica) and their overall quality regarding frames and non-glass lenses, it is important to be clear that Ray-Ban makes excellent glass lenses. The clarity of Ray-Ban glass lenses is exceptional, on par with the best lenses available. The crystal glass lenses used by Ray-Ban is manufactured by Barberini, the global leader in glass lenses.

With the possible exception of their Chromance lenses, Ray-Ban glass lenses are significantly better optically than their polycarbonate lenses, which usually do not even have an anti-reflective coating, often at the same price. Polycarbonate lenses are more impact-resistant and weigh less, so keep that in mind if those are considerations.

As far as I can tell, the only coating on the lens is the backside anti-reflective coating, which is the most important coating after the UV filter. There is no indication of any Scratch-resistant, Oleophobic (oil-resistant), Hydrophobic (water-resistant), Infrared and Blue-light blocking coatings.

Most classic styles like the Aviator, Clubmaster, Wayfarer, and Round use glass lenses, with some exceptions. Though Ray-Ban's website does not list the lens material in the details of each frame option, Sunglass Hut's website does. In the "About this Style" tab they will list the lens material and glass is often called "crystal".

All Ray-Ban lenses provide 100% UV protection. All Ray-Ban lenses feature the Ray-Ban signature engraved on the right lens & the RB initials on the left. If the lens is polarized it will say "Ray Ban P" on the lens and will say "3P" on the arms instead of "3N".

This review is about the polarized version of the G15 lens. I highly recommend getting polarized lenses, even at an increased price. This is explained in great detail here.

Is it eligible for prescription?

Yes, Ray-Ban does make this lens in prescription but not in glass, only in polycarbonate or a similar material. I highly recommend adding an anti-reflective coating to your prescription order, which is an option that polycarbonate non-prescription lenses do not have.

For non-prescription, check out the Ray-Ban G15 lens on Amazon (which is often cheaper than Ray-Ban's website).

How does the lens look?

The front has a deep green tint, with no mirror. The green is classy, sharp, and subtle. The color has proven to withstand evolving trends and works with many different frame colors and styles.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens

The back has a blue shine from the anti-reflective coating. The color is grey/green, right in the middle of the green spectrum which is different from many other green lenses on the market which can lean towards a more blue or yellow shade of green.

 Ray-Ban G15 Lens Tint

What does the view look like?

Green lenses are generally not considered contrast-enhancing lenses, which are needed for sports. They are used more for relaxing the view, cooling the bright light, and facilitating a more or less neutral view. They are mostly used as an alternative to gray lenses.

Green lenses are great at being a "relaxing" or "soothing" lens, as they can use a high tint to darken the lens more than other tints, but still elicit a feeling of brightness since the green colors are more boosted for our eyes.

Sunny Conditions

This is the simulation Ray-Ban uses to show the view of the G15 lens. Needless to say, it is awful and wholly inaccurate.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
Ray-Ban G15 Lens View

Here is how I would show the view, with no lens, the G15 lens, and a grey lens for comparison. Keep in mind that photos will never look as good as the real view looking through the sunglasses with your own eyes.

Interested in experiencing the Ray-Ban G15 lens for yourself? Check out the G15 on Amazon (which is often cheaper than Ray-Ban's website).

Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
No Lens
Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
Ray-Ban G15 Polarized
Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
Grey Polarized Lens

The G15 makes the view crisp and clear, removing glare and haze. It is more calm and soothing than the grey lens while feeling a bit brighter in a sense, as the greens are highlighted. The blues are only slightly diminished, and the green highlights in the water are pleasant.

This photo from Randolph Engineering is a good depiction of what the Ray-Ban G15 lens would look similar to.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens View

Cloudy Conditions

This lens isn’t great in cloudy or mixed conditions. The low VLT combined with the dulling impact of the green make the view dark and dull. A gloomy day can become downright depressing. I may still wear it if I do not have another option, but this lens is a huge downgrade from a brown or rose lens in cloudy conditions.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
No Lens
Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
Ray-Ban G15 Polarized
Ray-Ban G15 Lens View
Serengeti Drivers Polarized (Brown Lens)

What views is it good and bad for?

The Ray-Ban G15 is best for green environments when keeping the greens boosted is desired, or for red environments like dry or desert conditions when the reds are too much. I would use this lens driving in the northeast summer in full sun, or in Arizona when I go for work. It is a great all-purpose lens in full sun.

I rarely wear this lens in the winter, since there are little-to-no greens to boost and I’m looking to increase contrast and color, something this lens doesn’t do much of. It’s fine at the beach but not as good as other lenses that manage to bring out the blues in the sky and water. The exception to that is when the water is very green for various reasons, then this lens is very pleasant.


I wouldn't recommend this lens for sports (especially because it's glass). If you live in an area that gets lots of clear sunlight this will work well for you, but if much of the year is winter or mixed conditions you may want to choose another lens in addition to G15.

Comparison to the Same Brand - Ray-Ban

Ray-Ban B15

The Ray-Ban B15 (brown, 15% VLT) is a reddish-brown lens that has a low VLT (12%) when polarized which adds significant contrast, warmth, and color compared to the G15. In full sun it works fine, though feels much hotter in comparison to the G15. The B15 performs much better in overcast conditions, thriving in bright haze with passing clouds. The B15 is an excellent compliment to the G15, or for my preference, the G15 is a compliment to the B15. You can learn more about how brown lenses work here.

See the full Ray-Ban B15 review here.

Ray-Ban Blue Mirror

The Ray Ban Blue Mirror is a grey lens with a blue mirror. You can learn more about how that works here. A blue mirrored/grey lens will have a amberish hue. Gray with a small touch of warmth makes us feel like the world is natural but everything is slightly boosted, which to some degree makes it feel more boosted than others. With a rose or brown lens it can be hard to forget you are wearing sunglasses because the view, though beautiful, is far from what you would normally see. A gray lens will feel "natural", and a small touch of warmth will not be noticeable to our brains but it will still enhance the same colors a brown lens would, green and red.

If the G15 is too relaxing an cool, and the B15 is too vibrant and hot, the Blue Mirror lens strikes a perfect balance, though with the aesthetic difference of a bold blue mirror.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens Tint
Ray-Ban Blue Mirror

Comparison to Green Lenses of Different Brands

Randolph AGX

Very similar to G15 with a slightly lower VLT, so it is a bit more comfortable in full, bright sun. This lens has blue light blocking which removes extra haze, plus it has all the coatings that Ray-Ban left out. The tint on the AGX is a bit more blue, making it even more relaxing and less color-boosting.

Persol Green 

A slightly more grey lens than the G15. If you do not like grey but green is too much, it is a good in-between choice. Green is rarely too much though, as the same conditions the Persol excels in the G15 performs just as well if not better. Both are made by Barberini and are excellent lenses.

Serengeti 555nm

Compared to Serengeti 555 the B15 is a lot more grey/blue and "calm"; putting Serengeti 555 lenses on after wearing the G15 feels like someone turned the contrast and color saturation right up. This is my favorite green lens and the best you can buy in my opinion.

See the full Serengeti 555nm review here.

Conclusion - Ray-Ban G15 Lens Review: Should you buy it?

In conclusion, the Ray-Ban G15 lens is a timeless classic, adored by many for its exceptional clarity and style. It provides an excellent balance of light reduction and visual comfort, making it ideal for sunny conditions. The green tint offers a soothing and clear view, reducing eye strain.

Ray-Ban's glass lenses, crafted by Barberini, ensure top-notch clarity, far superior to polycarbonate lenses. Despite lacking some modern coatings, the G15 is generally priced well as a glass lens with anti-reflective coating, as there are few options that are cheaper for the same specs (please do not yell at me about Luxxottica and the sunglass market, the current relative pricing is a fact). While not the best for cloudy conditions or sports, its versatility in sunny environments makes it a great choice.

For those seeking a reliable, stylish, and high-performing lens, especially if you want one of Ray-Ban's classic frames, the Ray-Ban G15 is an excellent pick.

Ray-Ban G15 Lens Tint

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